This website, and also my company, Save the World, Inc. were created in order to promote my save-the-world book, Soft Landing. But they need to be more than that. Right now, Save the World, Inc. is a one-man operation and that guy (me) is only working part time. Ideally, there should be at least two or three of us working full-time. Our focus should be on:

  • Promoting the ideas of Soft Landing including the ideas that we are a part of the Community of Life, not separate from it; that basic needs should be provided to all people everywhere with no questions asked; that we should cease cutting down our precious forests; and that we should cease polluting our air, land, and water.
  • Establishing liaisons with other like-minded organizations so that we can work together towards our mutual goal of saving the world from our insane culture.
  • Promoting the abolition of corporate personhood to the general public and to the US Congress.
  • Speaking in front of groups and organizations who are interested in hearing more about our message.
  • Constantly improving and tweaking the website with new articles, videos and current information with the goal of increasing traffic so that the message of Soft Landing gets more widely dispersed.

If you consider saving the world a good cause, please donate generously to Save the World, Inc. We will put your money to good use. If you have the means and the inclination, all donations are appreciated and accepted.

Thank you for your consideration.

Don Shepherd, President

Save the World, Inc.