I wrote Soft Landing in order to save the world. Or, maybe more accurately, I wrote Soft Landing with the goal of making a significant contribution towards the creation of a Critical Mass of people who want to transform our culture in order to save the world. When we achieve that Critical Mass of people who understand the need for change and stand ready to do it, we can actually transform our culture. Our world of today is in big trouble, and the only thing that can save it is a cultural shift away from our present, insane culture that is based upon the false premise that everything is separate towards a sane, nurturing culture that is based upon the truth that everything is connected. And the only way a cultural shift like that is going to be accomplished is through the creation of a Critical Mass of people who understand the need for change and stand ready to make it happen. In my estimation, the easiest and best way to achieve a Critical Mass is to explain to people how things came to be this way, where we went wrong, where we are now, and how we need to change.  

Soft Landing is my attempt to make that explanation in a way that it can be easily understood. I think I have done a good job, but please judge for yourself. Buy the book and read it. If you agree that I have done a good job, then buy some more copies and give them away to your friends and family. If you truly understand the message of Soft Landing, then you also understand how important it is that the message of Soft Landing must be much more widely understood by others.

Purchase Soft Landing Here

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